Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Modeling delays in verilog

Verilog supports three kinds of delay modeling
  • Distributed delay modelling - As the name indicates the module delay is consists of delays from the sub components.
          Verilog code example:

           module AND_OR (Y, A, B, C, D);
              output Y;
              input A, B, C, D;
              and #1.0 I0(outA, A, B);
              //  #(1.0:1.1:1.2, 0.9:1.0:1.1) min:typ:max triplets for rise, fall delays
              nor #2.0 I1(Y, C, D, outA);

Total delay from the above example is 3 time units for output Y from pin A, B. Delays can be more precisely specified using min:typ:max triplets and sets for rise, fall delays. For digital RTL simulations, the simulators can take these delays into account when above module is compiled with +delay_mode_distributed simulator option or using a dummy verilog module (first module in the compile order) with `delay_mode_distributed verilog directive.

  • Lumped delay - difference between the distributed delay mode and the lumped delay is that only the sub component at the output of the module represents the total delay 
       module AND_OR (Y, A, B, C);
              output Y;
              input A, B, C;              and I0(outA, A, B);
              or #3.0 I1(Y, C, outA);

Same verilog directive/simulator compile switch as delay mode distributed are used for this case.

  • Pin-to-Pin/path delays - This approach treats the insides of the module as the black box and uses the ports to specify the delay from different input/inouts to output/inout ports. Verilog has special construct 'specify' to use for the path delay modeling. SDF can be used for back annotating the delays if the SDF constructs are matched with the timing model described in the specify. This allows the back annotated simulation of the post layout netlist
 module AND_OR (Y, A, B, C);
              output Y;
              input A, B, C;               and I0(outA, A, B);
              or I1(Y, C, outA);
    // delay parameters
      tplhAY = 1.0,
      tphlAY = 1.0,
      tplhBY = 1.0,
      tphlBY = 1.0,
      tplhCY = 1.0,
      tphlCY = 1.0;

    // path delays ( using conditional delays for C to Y)
      (A *> Y) = (tplhAY, tphlAY);
      (B *> Y) = (tplhBY, tphlBY);
    if (A == 1'b1 && B == 1'b0 )
       (C *> Y) = (tplhCY, tphlCY);
    if (A == 1'b0 && B == 1'b1 )
       (C *> Y) = (tplhCY, tphlCY);
    if (A == 1'b0 && B == 1'b0 )
       (C *> Y) = (tplhCY, tphlCY);

 Example SDF construct
  (INSTANCE top_tb/DUT/i_a/i_b)
    (IOPATH A Y (0.09168:0.09168:0.09168) (0.10759:0.10759:0.10759))
    (IOPATH B Y (0.10432:0.10432:0.10432) (0.15321:0.15321:0.15321))
    (COND A == 1'b1 && B == 1'b0 (IOPATH C Y (0.04601:0.04601:0.04601) (0.05479:0.05479:0.05479)))
    (COND A == 1'b0 && B == 1'b1 (IOPATH C Y (0.04602:0.04602:0.04602) (0.05478:0.05478:0.05478)))
    (COND A == 1'b0 && B == 1'b0 (IOPATH C Y (0.04610:0.04610:0.04610) (0.05423:0.05423:0.05423)))

Friday, June 22, 2012

Modelsim TCL

Long simulation runs in the data path engines (filters, FFT, IFFT etc) verifications are  mostly due to
  • memory filling before the HW processing engine starts
  • on the fly preparing the new memory contents and writing to the memories
  • on the fly checking the memory contents for the expected HW behavior
Once the memory read/write behavior is fully verified, short-cutting the above tasks will reduce the simulation run time significantly. One way is to use back door initialization via the text file, saving of the memory contents to the text file for offline processing. Modelsim/NCSIM TCL is can be used as quick and efficient way.

E.g. TCL script

# use the  native "mem load" command to fill the contents of the memory from a file
proc mem_load_proc { file mem} {
     if { [file exists $file] } {  
         mem load -i $file $mem
# use the native "mem display" command to save the contents from the memory to a file
proc mem_save_proc { file mem} {
     set f [open $file w+]
     puts $f [mem display -format mti -dataradix hexadecimal -addressradix hexadecimal -wordsperline 8 $mem]
     flush $f
     close $f
# concurrent When statement triggered based on the signal value conditional check
when "/tb_top/hier1/sig_a = '1'" {
    # save the current memory contents 
    mem_save_proc $save_file $mem
   # generate new data, in this case using DataGen.pl
    exec DataGen.pl
   # load the new memory contents
   mem_load_proc $load_file $mem

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


ECO: Engineering change order is commonly used flow to  introduce logic changes to fix the bugs found at very late stage of the ASIC implementation flow/ to fix the silicon bug(s) using minimum metal layers to impact the cost. Few years back I have presented a methodology flow and some of the proven methods to implement the ECO in cost effective way (need Synopsys solvnet account to access!)

Asynchronous FIFO depth

Elastic FIFO/Asynchronous FIFO's are used to compensate for any frequency drift between the two clock domains. Although the system design has to ensure by protocol to compensate for long-term wander, these Elastic FIFO's are needed to handle the wander between the compensation periods. For instance PCIe protocol requires the SKIP ordered sets to be transmitted at regular internals to compensate for the clock frequency drift. Similarly SGMII, 1000BASE-X uses the IDLE order sets to compensate.

Example of the elastic buffer depth calculation:
Assume protocol specifies 600ppm frequency difference is allowed.
frequency difference = 600/1e6 = .0006
1 UI slip occurs every 1/.0006 = 1666.66 bits
Assume the maximum packet length (in bytes) transmitted before the compensation start  = 5660 bytes
packet size (in bits) = 5660 * 8 = 45280 bits
total number of bits slips = 45280/1666.66 = 28 bits (rounded to ceil) = 4 bytes (rounded to ceil)

Thus the elastic buffer depth of +/-4 ( 8) required  to compensate for the read, write pointers drift. However it is good practice to have additional depth to overcome the boundary conditions.

ZOC, REXX, Python

ZOC is a powerful terminal emulator and I use it extensively for communicating with the evaluation boards via the serial port (COM port). It's user friendly interface and support for the macro language programming (REXX) makes it easy to use for Silicon bring up and automation.
For more information on the ZOC follow the webpage :

REXX (Restructured Extended Executor) is a free form language with only one data type "character string (classic REXX)". It has very small instruction set.
For more details on the REXX programming, refer to the below web links

Combining ZOC, REXX together with Python (PyVisa) makes it even more suitable for automation. Instruments (like power supplies, temperature chambers, oscilloscopes other measurement equipments) that be controlled over the GPIB interface can be controllable using the python VISA module.

E.g. Python module to control E3631A HP (Agilent) power supply via GPIB

# -- gpib.py module ---
import visa;

def gpib_init(ins="GPIB0::5"):
    return visa.instrument(ins)
def clear(ins):

def reset(ins):

def set6v(ins,voltage=1.000,current=1.000):
    ins.write("APPLY P6V, {voltage}, {current}".format(voltage=voltage,current=current))

def set25v(ins,voltage=1.000,current=1.000):
    ins.write("APPLY P25V, {voltage}, {current}".format(voltage=voltage,current=current))

def poweron(ins):
    ins.write("OUTPUT:STATE ON")

def poweroff(ins):
    ins.write("OUTPUT:STATE OFF")

#------ end

# E631A_on.py
import gpib
import sys
ins = gpib.gpib_init(sys.argv[1]) # check the VISA address

## start the instrument in Power off, default mode
# Switch on the power supply

# E631A_off.py

import sys
import gpib
## initialize the GPIB
ins = gpib.gpib_init(sys.argv[1]) # check the VISA address from Agilent IO Library
## Power off the instrument

# Simple Automation example script in REXX + ZOC commands (test.zrx)

CALL ZocLogging 1
CALL ZocLogname  "Test.log"

/* Power up the device */
vdd6v     = 3.3000
vdd25v     = 12.000
gpib_ad = 'GPIB0::1'

/* Run test 10 times with power cycle */
DO 10
    CALL E3631A_off gpib_ad
    ZocDelay 5
    CALL E3631A_on gpib_ad vdd6v vdd12v
    ZocDelay 12
    CALL test

/* Actual test commands over the serial port */
    ZocSend "command_1^M"
    ZocDelay 2
    ZocSend "command_2^M"
    ZocDelay 2

   gpib_ad = arg(1)
   v6      = arg(2)
   v25     = arg(3)
   CALL ZocExec "C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\E3631A_on.py" gpib_ad v6 v25, 1
   ZocDelay 6

    gpib_ad = arg(1)
    CALL ZocExec "C:\Python27\python.exe C:\Python27\scripts\E3631A_off.py" gpib_ad, 1
    ZocDelay 2

Monday, June 18, 2012

Parallel job handler using Perl

Many times as the ASIC design/verification engineer, we need to run several simulation (regressions) or many jobs in parallel. I often uses Parallel:ForkManager module from Perl to handle this parallel jobs submission easily.


 # Run all test cases
  use Parallel::ForkManager; # beautiful parallel processor
  local $max = 20; # Max number of jobs to submit in parallel.
  $max =   0 unless $opt_parallel;
  $pm =    new Parallel::ForkManager($max) ;
  foreach (@tests) { // array of testcase names @tests
    my $pid = $pm->start and next ;
    local $t = $_;
    RunSim($t); // Run simulation for testcase $t

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Register file generator

As the ASIC/IP designer, coding of the register files can greatly simplify using an automated flow. It is also one of the efficient way to manage data consistently across several phases of design.

Automation example:

Frame maker/ word document of register description --> XML format -->
Perl XML parser --> generate targets ( VHDL/verilog code, HTML documents, C structure definitions and access methods for Firmware coding, system verilog/specman 'e' targets for verification)

Vim/vi Tricks

Often as the ASIC designer, may require to work with large files (size in the ranges of 1-10's GB), it is convenient to use vim/gvim on unix/Linux platforms for editing.

Tip-1: For editing a part of a file use markers. Mark a region using "ESC m a" for start and end of the region "ESC m b"; these markers can then be used for instance for substitution.

Or for deleting

Tip-2: To remove the blank lines or lines with white spaces,
:1,$s/^ $//g

Tip-3: search and replace. Example below first find the lines that contain "searchstring" and then replace the word "something" with "otherthing" on all occurrences on the line.